We are a “ride sharing” platform for recycling materials and waste services.
The platform automatically identifies the best recycling solution for your company.
You log in, create an account and you find exactly what you need.
Open to use for every company and person in the world.
Our strategy is to galvanize business communities, technologies and theories with the help of proven digital tools and to lead towards the digital shift in recycling by reducing the friction in the zero-waste economy.
EcoTree creează astăzi infrastructura ce accelerează implicarea dar și aduce la două clickuri distanță profitabilitatea.
You have to recycle but you don't know where to start?
I recycleDo you want to reach your customers faster?
I am an authorised collectorYou have to recycle but you don't know where to start?
I recycleDo you want to reach your customers faster?
I am an authorised collectorWe use cookies for website functionality and to give you a personalized experience on EcoTree. By continuing the navigation, you agree.