Recycle today.
For a better tomorrow.

We are a “ride sharing” platform for recycling materials and waste services.

Sign up for the EcoTree platform!

Discover the digital benefits that make the recycling process in your company easier. Everything simple, in just a few minutes.

Generate documents automatically!

We put you in direct contact with all the collectors in the market, at this moment, and we automate the generation of all documents.

Manage your relationship with collectors effectively

EcoTree is the first digital platform to manage waste and connect with recycling providers. We put you in direct contact with all the collectors in the market at this time.

We add value to all your waste.
We act as the agent of change in recycling.

Faster recycling

The platform automatically identifies the best recycling solution for your company.

Zero bureaucracy

You log in, create an account and you find exactly what you need.

Easy to use

Open to use for every company and person in the world.

Why should you recycle?

Our strategy is to galvanize business communities, technologies and theories with the help of proven digital tools and to lead towards the digital shift in recycling by reducing the friction in the zero-waste economy.

Try a free month!

EcoTree creează astăzi infrastructura ce accelerează implicarea dar și aduce la două clickuri distanță profitabilitatea.

Sign Up
Fabrică Cost deseuri : 145.000 EUR Grad Reciclare 15%
Magazin Retail 80% Deseuri menajere 20% Grad Reciclare
Companie de colectare
Fabricant 0 kg de plastic pe lună

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