EcoTree makes recycling really easy.
Consumers (individuals, households, MSMEs and large firms, NGOs, public institutions & spaces, schools, hospitals) lack an easy way to extract value from their solid waste at the source. Waste managers (recycling firms, WtE plants, waste utilities, makers, repairers, aggregators) spend too much time / money separating waste when they would rather be serving customers.
Our mission as a company is to take recycling to 100% and to make it easy, valuable and fun.
We facilitate the direct contact of all market players and our vision opens a new era of recycling.
Direct contact with any player from the industry
Members involved in the waste market connect easier.
You enjoy the true benefits of the digitalisation
Collecting and recycling get faster with digital resources.
Global contribution
The platform reduces all recycling friction in the zero-waste economy.
Try a free month!
EcoTree creează astăzi infrastructura ce accelerează implicarea dar și aduce la două clickuri distanță profitabilitatea.